What to Bring

What To Bring

 Photo ID (drivers licence / passport / national ID book).

 Medical insurance or medical aid card.

 Authorisation number for your admission and procedure.

 List of all your chronic meds (If you are not sure about the exact dosages bringing the box along will cover that).

 Bringing your tablets in a day-to-day container is not advisable as its sometimes difficult to identify specific tablets (there are many similar looking generics on the market).

 A tablet or capsule without a name is a risk for you the patient – and a risk the hospital cannot take.

 Please do not bring any jewellery or valuables (its not necessary to remove rings like wedding bands).

Cell phone and Lap top is at own discretion (Bed side locker).

There is free WIFI in the hospital – please ask the nursing staff to assist you with the password.
Earphones for the TV above your bed are obtainable at main reception on the ground floor for an amount of R30.00.

Please do not bring large amounts of cash.

Please remove nail polish.

What to wear in hospital – flat shoes / slops and loose clothing.
(ECG’s are routinely done and easy access to your chest is necessary).

A gown is optional but a good idea of you have one.

 The hospital pharmacy does stock basic toiletries should you have forgotten something.

 Its not necessary to remove false teeth, hair pieces, glasses and contact lenses prior to coming to hospital or going to theatre.

 If you use a walker or walking stick at home – make sure its packed in.

 If you use Oxygen at home (cylinders or oxygenator) don’t bring along – we have enough!

 If you sleep with a CPAP machine – please bring that along.