About Us
Dr. Dirk Pretorius
Fields of expertise:
- – Complex coronary intervention,
- – Cardiac pacing,
- – Radial approach for coronary intervention,
- – Pharmaco-therapy,
- – Cardiac imaging.
- – Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Intervention (CTO PCI)
- – Rotational Atherectomy (Rotablation)
Academic qualifications:
- – BSc Microbiology (UFS)
- – MMED Internal Medicine (UFS)
- – Fellowship Cardiology (UFS)
Frequent public speaker on cardiac awareness.

Our practice works in close partnership with :

Cardio Thoracic
Surgical Team
Gateway heart is supported by one of the leading Cardio Thoracic teams in the country.
Experience spanning decades has culminated in a unit that does the most sophisticated work - extending from coronary artery bypass surgery, valve replacements, thoracic vascular and oncological surgery to a well respected heart-lung-transplant unit.

Dietician Services
Diet forms an integral part of managing the patient’s cardiac risk profile. Subsets of patients specifically targeted are patients with diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, obesity and renal failure.
All newly diagnosed diabetics as well as patients who had a coronary artery bypass or angioplasty & stent procedure will be seen by our dietitian prior to their discharge.

Physiotherapy-led cardiac rehabilitation programs are clinically effective in reducing mortality, improving health and quality of life.
Therapy is started as soon as possible in the Intensive Care Unit post surgery and will reduce post operative infections, length of hospital stay and the number of hospital re-admissions.

Hospitalisation of a loved one has an intense physical and emotional effect on the day to day life of their friends, family and relatives.
Psychotherapy (counselling) is a physiological intervention available for both patient and relatives that will improve the emotional well being and coping of a patient and their loved ones while being admitted and after discharge.